AC57 – Encouraged in the Lord

Hard to go on Paul had faced difficulty in Athens and more difficulty in Corinth. After Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia with money from the churches there, Paul devoted more time to preaching. Paul’s more preaching was met with increasing opposition and hostility from the Jews in Corinth. It would be easy to quit,…

AC55 – The Unknown God

How do you preach to people who have no knowledge of the Bible? Paul gave a message before the council at Mar’s Hill. On the surface, it sounds different from one he gave in the Synagogue. However, closer inspection reveals all the same elements of Gospel preaching are there.

AC53 – Study in the Synagogue

What is a good response? It has long been observed that wherever Paul preached, there was either a revival or a revolt. Paul’s preaching got a response, sometimes good and sometimes not. This passage compares the response in Berea with the response in Thessalonica.