01 – Knowing God Through His Word

What is Psalm 119 about? Psalm 119 is a Hebrew poem, or psalm, expressing gratitude and love for God’s written word as the greatest treasure, because we come to know God through his written word. This psalm is about the relationship we have with God through reading and keeping his word. Out of the 150…

Biblical Theology: Leviticus

The Book of Leviticus Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Exodus about? How does Exodus help us today? Answers: Exodus narrates the famous deliverance of Israel from Egypt with the ten plagues and the Red Sea crossing. Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt to encamp at the foot of Mount…

Biblical Theology: Exodus

The Book of Exodus Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Genesis about? How does Genesis help us today? Answers: The book of Genesis is about God from the very first verse, “In the beginning God … ” Before the creation of the universe, God is there and active. This book recounts the creation…

Biblical Theology: Genesis

The Book of Genesis Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is biblical theology? What is the Old Testament about? Answers: Biblical theology is a way of reading the Bible as one whole, unified book revealing the redemptive purpose of God through history. Biblical theology particularly focuses on Jesus Christ through two great epochs: 1)…

Biblical Theology: Introduction

Introduction to Biblical Theology/Old Testament Introduction What is the difference between systematic theology and biblical theology? Are the two disciplines at odds somehow? Why is the study of theology important? What is the Old Testament about? These are big picture type questions and questions we want to answer in this introduction to our biblical theology…