Have you ever found yourself asking the question, “what should I look for in a church?” Indeed this is an extremely valid and necessary question that all children of God need to ask, as the bible instructs us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together, (Heb 10:25).
The New Testament Church is the “body of Christ.” He is the her “Head” and “Lord.” Therefore the choice of a church is no matter to be taken lightly, but rather deserves our utmost attention and careful consideration. Many chose a church because it’s fun, or because they like the people, or because of the programs offered. While each of these characteristics may seem important, should they really be the primary criteria that guides us to a particular assembly?
We invite you to listen to the message at the link to the right that speaks to what makes HBC different from other churches, and provides insight into the qualities of a true church of Christ.