'Old Testament' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Biblical Theology: 2 Kings

The Book of 2 Kings Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of 1 Kings? How does 1 Kings help us today? Answers: 1 Kings records the death of David and Solomon’s reign. The book recounts the building of the temple and the divided kingdom after Solomon’s death. The book also…

Biblical Theology: 1 Kings

The Book of 1 Kings Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of 2 Samuel? How does 2 Samuel help us today? Answers: 2 Samuel tells of David reigning as king. The book has the well known sin David committed with Bathsheba, followed by the murder of Uriah and Nathan’s confrontation…

Biblical Theology: 2 Samuel

The Book of 2 Samuel Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of 1 Samuel? How does 1 Samuel help us today? Answers: Hannah praying for a son and the birth of Samuel. Samuel hearing God’s voice in the night and mistaking it for Eli. Saul becoming king of Israel. David…

Biblical Theology: 1 Samuel

The Book of 1 Samuel Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Ruth? How does Ruth help us today? Answers: Ruth tells the story of Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. Naomi’s family go to Moab because of famine in Israel. Her husband and her two sons die, leaving her and…

Biblical Theology: Ruth

The Book of Ruth Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Judges? How does Judges help us today? Answers: Judges tells the history of Israel after the death of their leader, Joshua. Israel tries to complete the conquest of Canaan, but fails to drive out all the inhabitant nations. The…

Biblical Theology: Judges

The Book of Judges Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Joshua? How does Joshua help us today? Answers: Joshua recounts the history of the conquest of Canaan. Joshua leads the second generation of Isrealites into the promised land. The book has a number of familiar accounts—Rahab and the spies,…

AC-06 – The Prophesied Outpouring

What is all this about? The crowd in Jerusalem has witnessed a manifestation of the Holy Spirit among the church there. They wonder about what it means and Peter begins explaining it in this passage. Manifestations of the Spirit were never a show. They were for a purpose.

Biblical Theology: Deuteronomy

The Book of Deuteronomy Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Numbers? What does Numbers say to modern readers? Answers: Numbers has the forty years of wilderness wandering where the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night leads the nation of Israel. Number is a book about complaining…

Biblical Theology: Numbers

The Book of Numbers Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Leviticus about? How does Leviticus help us today? Answers: Leviticus records the laws of the mosaic covenant. Those laws primarily pertain to the priests’ service in the tabernacle. Leviticus records laws of offering, sacrifice, ritual purity, and various aspects of tabernacle service. Leviticus…

Biblical Theology: Leviticus

The Book of Leviticus Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Exodus about? How does Exodus help us today? Answers: Exodus narrates the famous deliverance of Israel from Egypt with the ten plagues and the Red Sea crossing. Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt to encamp at the foot of Mount…