How does it all end? A son is born. What does that mean?
How does it all end? A son is born. What does that mean?
Well, what happened? Ruth returns to Naomi the next morning and tells her what happened with Boaz. Naomi responds with faith.
All day at home Naomi had to wait all day while Ruth went out to the fields that first time. She had no way of knowing what happened, and she probably didn’t expect what she found out.
Not a chance The famine has ended and the field are ready to harvest outside Bethlehem. Naomi and Ruth have arrived in Bethlehem at just the right time as there is literally food everywhere. However, that doesn’t automatically mean they will be fed. Has providence turned in their favor?
Is this Naomi? The return to Bethlehem caused quite a stir and not a few questions. Naomi speaks reflectively on her bitter experience.
What does faith require? A couple of widows wrestle with the hardships of life. Each make a choice. Ruth’s choice illustrates how faith is not a mere abstract set of interesting ideas, but affects and informs real life.