How flexible are you? Paul has shown the Jews are just as inexcusable as the Gentiles are before God’s wrath. Trying to play word games will not account for righteousness before God.
How flexible are you? Paul has shown the Jews are just as inexcusable as the Gentiles are before God’s wrath. Trying to play word games will not account for righteousness before God.
Who is that masked man? The Jews had boasted in the law and thought they were exempt from God’s wrath. Paul shows the law had become a mask for them whereby they thought they were righteous.
What’s this then? The book of Ruth takes a seemingly procedural turn when we get to chapter 4. Boaz goes to the city gate and goes through a strange proceeding. While the customs are mostly foreign, this section does contribute to the message of the book.
What about the law? As the Gospel spread in the first century, more and more Gentiles came to faith in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t long before some of the Pharisees began to object that the Gentiles had to be circumcised and keep the law in order to be saved. Some from the church in Antioch got together with the church in Jerusalem…
The Book of Deuteronomy Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Numbers? What does Numbers say to modern readers? Answers: Numbers has the forty years of wilderness wandering where the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night leads the nation of Israel. Number is a book about complaining…
The Book of Numbers Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Leviticus about? How does Leviticus help us today? Answers: Leviticus records the laws of the mosaic covenant. Those laws primarily pertain to the priests’ service in the tabernacle. Leviticus records laws of offering, sacrifice, ritual purity, and various aspects of tabernacle service. Leviticus…
The Book of Leviticus Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Exodus about? How does Exodus help us today? Answers: Exodus narrates the famous deliverance of Israel from Egypt with the ten plagues and the Red Sea crossing. Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt to encamp at the foot of Mount…