'bible study' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Biblical Theology: Ruth

The Book of Ruth Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Judges? How does Judges help us today? Answers: Judges tells the history of Israel after the death of their leader, Joshua. Israel tries to complete the conquest of Canaan, but fails to drive out all the inhabitant nations. The…

Biblical Theology: Judges

The Book of Judges Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Joshua? How does Joshua help us today? Answers: Joshua recounts the history of the conquest of Canaan. Joshua leads the second generation of Isrealites into the promised land. The book has a number of familiar accounts—Rahab and the spies,…

Biblical Theology: Joshua

The Book of Joshua Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Deuteronomy? How does Deuteronomy help us today? Answers: Deuteronomy is primarily speeches by Moses to the second generation of Israel where he rehearses the law covenant. He explains various laws to Israel for how to live in the land…

16 – God’s Word and Waiting

How do we wait? Most of us are no good at waiting. We would rather be told no than be told to wait. Throughout the Bible and history, people have wrestled with waiting when things seem to be going wrong. Consider Psalm 37 and 73 as David and Asaph were waiting in affliction while the…

Biblical Theology: Deuteronomy

The Book of Deuteronomy Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is in the book of Numbers? What does Numbers say to modern readers? Answers: Numbers has the forty years of wilderness wandering where the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night leads the nation of Israel. Number is a book about complaining…

06 – God’s Word in Our Mouths

What are you afraid of? We’ve been told for many years that more Americans feared public speaking than anything else. Survey answers have changed in recent years with other things coming ahead of public speaking in the fears department, but it’s still there somewhere. From my own experience, most people don’t like it, whether it…

Biblical Theology: Numbers

The Book of Numbers Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Leviticus about? How does Leviticus help us today? Answers: Leviticus records the laws of the mosaic covenant. Those laws primarily pertain to the priests’ service in the tabernacle. Leviticus records laws of offering, sacrifice, ritual purity, and various aspects of tabernacle service. Leviticus…

05 – God’s Word and the Heart

His own heart, who can know? We expect and brace for attacks from without, but what about the problems we face from within? Devotion to God’s word puts us at cross purposes with the world around us, but the struggle for devotion also comes from within. The heart is fickle and easily divided. Our passions…

04 – God’s Word in Time of Trouble

Tried and Failed Be honest. Have you ever tried to read the whole Bible? Did you do it? All Christians have moments where our thoughts and intentions are high concerning the Bible. Maybe around New Years we think of reading the Bible every day in the upcoming year, and maybe even reading it all the…

Biblical Theology: Leviticus

The Book of Leviticus Review Questions from last week’s lesson: What is Exodus about? How does Exodus help us today? Answers: Exodus narrates the famous deliverance of Israel from Egypt with the ten plagues and the Red Sea crossing. Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt to encamp at the foot of Mount…