'Acts' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

AC55 – The Unknown God

How do you preach to people who have no knowledge of the Bible? Paul gave a message before the council at Mar’s Hill. On the surface, it sounds different from one he gave in the Synagogue. However, closer inspection reveals all the same elements of Gospel preaching are there.

AC53 – Study in the Synagogue

What is a good response? It has long been observed that wherever Paul preached, there was either a revival or a revolt. Paul’s preaching got a response, sometimes good and sometimes not. This passage compares the response in Berea with the response in Thessalonica.

AC50 – The Great Loss

What is a soul worth? Paul and Silas had preached in Philippi and cast the evil spirit out of a girl who had been following them around. Though she was delivered, her owners were not pleased because the spirit was the source of her divination and their income. An uproar ensues.

AC49 – Closed Doors

A Few Women by the River After doors closed in many directions, Paul and his company receive a call to come to Macedonia. They end up in Philippi and preach to a small group of women outside the city by the river.

AC48 – The Split Decision

What if we disagree? With the Jerusalem council and the Judaizer controversy behind them, Paul and Barnabas consider their next missionary journey. They disagree sharply about whether to include John Mark and end up splitting up to form two teams and launch two journeys. Who was right? Who was wrong?

AC47 – Churches at Peace

What should the Gentiles do? The church in Jerusalem concluded they should write a letter to the Gentiles in the other churches that affirms the truth of the Gospel they heard from Paul. Circumcision and law keeping are not required for salvation. Paul and Barnabas gladly take the letter back to Antioch.

AC46 – God Knows What He is Doing

What is happening? The spread of Gospel to the Gentiles was not in itself surprising, but the pouring out of the promised Spirit on uncircumcised Gentiles caught many Jews by surprise. Some even objected. Finally, James addressed the meeting that what was happening was in line with prior Scripture revelation.