Why did Paul want to visit Rome? He had a few reasons, but his primary reason was the gospel. In fact, the gospel was Paul’s priority in all he did.
Why did Paul want to visit Rome? He had a few reasons, but his primary reason was the gospel. In fact, the gospel was Paul’s priority in all he did.
What does it mean that Paul was a slave and an apostle? The salutation of the letter identifies Paul and his message.
Who is Paul, and what’s this letter about? This sermon launches a new series through the entire book of Romans.
How does it all end? A son is born. What does that mean?
Plucking Off A Shoe Boaz completes the transaction by affirming the details. The procedure is attested by the elders and witnesses, and the kinsman gives Boaz his shoe.
Let’s get started Boaz brings the nearer kinsman along with the elders of the city to the gates for the proceeding. He begins by making an official advertisement of the land for sale.
What’s this then? The book of Ruth takes a seemingly procedural turn when we get to chapter 4. Boaz goes to the city gate and goes through a strange proceeding. While the customs are mostly foreign, this section does contribute to the message of the book.
Well, what happened? Ruth returns to Naomi the next morning and tells her what happened with Boaz. Naomi responds with faith.
What happened next? Naomi had laid out an unusual plan. There certainly risks involved. In this passage, we find out how it played out.
What happens when hope awakens? Scene 4 starts with Naomi advising Ruth to action. She spells out a plan with some risks, but she is now moving with hope.